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CADET DROP OFF off will be in front of Padgett Thomas Barracks. Buses may drop off in front of the Barracks but then they must proceed to the Decal Parking next to the Infirmary (see map). Instructor POV parking will be on the East and North sides of PT Barracks. Cadets cannot park on campus.
PARENTS: the preferred method of dropping off your cadet is to park in front of Padgett Thomas Barracks, and once they have their belongings, allow them to proceed on their own inside the Main Sally Port (arched gate on Jones Ave). If you must accompany them, please take no longer than 5 minutes to escort them inside.
1. SUNDAY ARRIVAL for Cadre. Arrive NLT 1130 to in-process, have lunch and be ready for briefing at 1300. UNIFORM: Unit T-shirt (or equivalent) and Khaki Shorts, camel-back (or similar) water container. Bring a notebook and writing utensil
2. MONDAY ARRIVAL for Basics. In-processing starts promptly at 0830. Check with your instructor for details and what time to show, if not coming on a scheduled school bus. Training starts promptly at 1300 in Mark Clark Hall. UNIFORM: Unit T-shirt (or equivalent) and Khaki Shorts, camel-back (or similar) water container. Bring a notebook and writing utensil
1. GRADUATION PARADE will begin at 0930 on Saturday 15 or 22 June 2024 and will be held on Summerall Field. Parents and guests will be able to view the parade from the bleachers on Jones Avenue. Seating is at a premium, so arrive early. It will be HOT! Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated masks are not required outdoors. You may of course wear one if you would like.
2. PICK UP PROCEDURES: Once the parade is over, cadets will proceed to Murray Barracks. Parents and guests will not be allowed to enter the Barracks until all the rooms are cleared. Gates will be opened once all cadet rooms are checked. (around 1030 )
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